HMG Strategy - Global Viewpoint
Interviewed by Hunter Muller, Founder and CEO of HMG Strategy, on emerging cybersecurity risks and opportunities.

InCyber Forum USA
Created in 2007, the InCyber Forum is :
An active community of 65,000 people in the USA, Europe, Canada and beyond
4 annual convening events: EUROPE – CANADA – USA* – JAPAN* (*launching in 2025)
23,000+ visitors in EUROPE + CANADA, 800+ conferences & panels, 900+ sponsors and partners
A platform for thought, innovation and business
An online channel and a think tank

Securing the Future Against Geopolitical Cyber Risks
Global politics is on fire and impacting cybersecurity! I have a stellar list of panelists aligned to discuss the challenges and perhaps a few opportunities as we navigate security in this hotbed environment.
I am excited to moderate the "Securing the Future Against Geopolitical Cyber Risks" executive panel at the upcoming HMG Strategy Silicon Valley Global Innovation Summit on Feb 27th!

Reskilling and Upskilling the Tech Workforce for the GenAI-enabled Enterprise panel
Join us at the 17th Annual Silicon Valley Global Innovation Summit for an engaging Executive Panel discussion on Reskilling and Upskilling the Tech Workforce for the GenAI-enabled Enterprise.Featured Panelists:Klarissa Marenitch, CITO, Leaf HomeMaria Latushkin, GVP, Technology and Engineering, Albertsons CompaniesMatthew Rosenquist, CISO & Cybersecurity Strategist, @Mercury Risk ManagementTony Leng, Managing Partner, CIO & CTO Global Functional Head, H.I. Executive Consulting (H.I.E.C)Moderated by:Steve Phillpott, Strategic Advisor, Board Member, and President, SIM San Diego

InCyber Forum

Mindfluence CISO/Executive Leadership Forum
Keynote - Cybersecurity at a Crossroads: From Cost Center to Competitive Edge

ManageEngine User Conference - West Coast 2024
I’m excited to be speaking at the ManageEngine User Conference in San Diego CA on Sept 19th-20th.
I will be presenting a talk on the top Emerging Threats to Cybersecurity!

SECURITYbreak live-stream podcast
I am looking forward to a chatting with Giorgio Perticone on the SECURITYbreak live podcast, to discuss the darker side of cybercrime!
Come join the live stream on Sept 18th at 10am Pacific time.

ISACA GRC 2024 Sacramento CA Conference
Reignite 2024: Harmonizing People, Process, and Technology for Cybersecurity

ZeroTrust Meet & Expo 2024
Speaking to how emerging cybersecurity threats are increasing the risks and the importance of Zero Trust for security.

ISACA GRC 2024 Conference
I will be at the ISACA Governance Risk and Management conference. Mercury Risk and Compliance will have a booth and will be conducting a workshop on cybersecurity risk metrics that protect business investments and value!

Rise of Aggressive Nation State Capabilities
Join us on this LinkedIn live event to discuss the Rise of Aggressive Nation State Capabilities.

Cloud Investigations in 5 Minutes: Exploring the Pitfalls of EDR for Cloud
Special guest and CISO Matthew Rosenquist, is teaming up with Sysdig’s own Jamie Butler and Shantanu Gattani to investigate Sysdig’s newly enhanced cloud detection and response (CDR) capabilities.

The People Show by SyberNow
Pooja Shimpi, Sameer Gemawat, and Matthew Rosenquist will discuss strategies leaders can use to promote a robust security mindset and a security-first approach within their organizations.

Dominican Univ of California Master of Science in Cybersecurity information session
Join us to find out how you can transition into the cybersecurity profession and also learn from our guest speakers, Joanna Grama, JD, Ken Kerrick, and Matthew Rosenquist who will be discussing cybersecurity and business implications during our online information session on Thursday, June 20, from 6-7 p.m. Pacific Time.

And Security for All Podcast 2024: Cybersecurity's Major Trends & Threat Dynamics
Matthew Rosenquist, CISO and Cybersecurity Strategist is returning to the show to explore a variety of major industry trends. This includes giving us insight into the ever-changing role of a CISO and the accelerating risks of Nation State cyberattacks, among other dynamic threats.

Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit
Attending the summit this year. Looking forward to some interesting talks.

RSA Conference 2024
I will be attending the largest cybersecurity conference on the planet, meeting with colleagues, customers, and partners. If you see me wandering the halls, say hello!

ISSA Austin Chapter meeting
Speaking in the ISSA open meeting, at the InnoTech conference, about key conference themes and emerging risks.

InnoTech Austin
Session topic is being defined, possibly a fireside chat about emerging risks and best practices

Univ of Phoenix, Advisory Board
University of Phoenix College of Business and Information Technology (SBIT) Industry Council Advisory Board Meeting in Phoenix AZ

HMGStrategy Advisory Board Hot Topic
HMG Strategy Advisory Board Hot Topic discussion: SEC Requirements
I will lead a discussion about the new SEC cybersecurity reporting requirements and how they are holding up after being released in December of last year.

Texas Department of Information Resources, Information Security Forum 2024
Keynote at the Texas Department of Information Resources, Information Security Forum 2024 conference in Austin TX
Topic: Modernizing Cybersecurity Infrastructures

HMGStrategy Silicon Valley CISO Summit 2024
Annual Silicon Valley Global CISO Summit.
I will be leading a workgroup roundtable for collaborative conversations to tackle Top Tech Challenges

Dominican University, MSC program information session
Guest speaker for the Dominican University of California, MSC program information session.